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  Title Copies
Global Resources Report 
Year: 2016 
Standing up for the human rights of intersex people - How can you help? 
Sexual health, transition-related risk behavior and need for health care among transgender sex workers 
Year: 2019 
Transgender sekswerkers en hormoongebruik 
Year: 2019 
Series: International Journal of Transgenderism 
Empowering LGBTI sex workers towards the full respect of their human rights ILGA-Europe’s position paper (Spring 2018) 
Year: 2018 
Seks worker rights are an LGBTQ issue 
Year: 2020 
Lokale besturen en instellingen: jullie maken het verschil! 
Year: 2018 
Handreiking homo-emancipatie: gezondheid 
Year: 2011 
Mental health challenges of LGBT forced migrants 
Year: 2022 
Addressing the Social Determinants of Suicidal Behaviors and Poor Mental Health in LGBTI Populations in Australia 
Volume: 1 
Year: 2014 
Series: LGBT Health